Tom had everything going for him. He was a bright and ambitious star at one of the most prestigious universities in the country when he stumbled upon contradictions in his research that he couldn’t reconcile, notions that were antithetical to science. Rather than torture himself and his colleagues, he opted for a life of oblivion. He dropped out of school. Now he tends bar by the beach, and takes the time to smell the roses. Then his life is interrupted by this strange event. – GEORGE GALLAGHER -
Tom had everything going for him. He was a bright and ambitious star at one of the most prestigious universities in the country when he stumbled upon contradictions in his research that he couldn’t reconcile, notions that were antithetical to science. Rather than torture himself and his colleagues, he opted for a life of oblivion. He dropped out of school. Now he tends bar by the beach, and takes the time to smell the roses. Then his life is interrupted by this strange event. – GEORGE GALLAGHER -
I’m a mechanic. Nothing very complicated. I enjoy my life but I never got as far as making a family. Not yet anyway. I am proud of my work and my technical abilities. I believe we all have a purpose in our lives. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out the purpose. I still am. – ETHAN FLOWER -
Charlotte is a financial analyst by profession and is most comfortable seeing people and the world in terms of black and white, balance sheets, logical, non-emotional. When she awakes, seemingly all alone in the world, she must find her way to a part of herself that has been locked safely away since the age of 12… her fears, feelings, emotions, desires and deep disappointments. To survive in this new world she must find a connection to her deeper self, her fellow human beings, her soul and the power of belief in things that she cannot see, touch, smell or hear but that are never-the-less real. – JAN BROBERG -
Wheezie is a spunky, tell it like it is kind of girl. She’s very charismatic and opinionated. Wheezie is a little naive in the ways of the world but nonetheless is not afraid to step into the unknown. Her sincerity and vulnerability are what make her so likable to the six remaining people in the world. – CHERINDA KINCHERLOW -
Rebecca graduated summa cum laude from UCLA and attended the University of California at Berkeley, where she earned dual masters, in Social Services and Developmental Psychology. She was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Human Development while working as a part-time case manager for Alameda County Children and Social Services in Oakland, California. Since 2005 she has served on the Operations Committee of the Los Angeles County Council on Child Abuse and Neglect, where she coordinates exchanges between public and private agencies that deal with children and families exposed to family violence. Ms. Lawson lives in Los Angeles with her husband, an orthodontist, and their two young children.
Rebecca graduated summa cum laude from UCLA and attended the University of California at Berkeley, where she earned dual masters, in Social Services and Developmental Psychology. She was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Human Development while working as a part-time case manager for Alameda County Children and Social Services in Oakland, California. Since 2005 she has served on the Operations Committee of the Los Angeles County Council on Child Abuse and Neglect, where she coordinates exchanges between public and private agencies that deal with children and families exposed to family violence. Ms. Lawson lives in Los Angeles with her husband, an orthodontist, and their two young children.
Aunt Dot was born in Bayside, Queens, the sixth child in a family of seven children, and the only daughter. She attended Grover Cleveland High School and worked briefly for the New York Transit Authority before marrying her childhood sweetheart, an aviation engineer. They moved to Southern California in 1954 and have lived in the same house on Selma Avenue in Hollywood since 1955.
Aunt Dot was born in Bayside, Queens, the sixth child in a family of seven children, and the only daughter. She attended Grover Cleveland High School and worked briefly for the New York Transit Authority before marrying her childhood sweetheart, an aviation engineer. They moved to Southern California in 1954 and have lived in the same house on Selma Avenue in Hollywood since 1955.
Owen is enigmatic and quiet yet whenever he speaks it means something. He has a strong relationship with Aunt Dot, but the origins of that relationship are unknown. He has a knack for drawing and is not fully aware of the events around him. – JACK LITTLE -