
Because 40 is structured as a Lenten allegory, it can be used as an utterly unique tool for spiritual exploration. Fertile ground for prayer, conversation, meditation and study lies just under the surface of 40’s narrative.

CLICK ON THE BUTTONS BELOW to access “what’s beneath” each episode. You will uncover a wealth of commentary, literary and scriptural references, prayers, poetry and music, specially curated by the writer and producers to augment your Lenten experience.

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 14

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 13

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 12

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 11

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 10

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 9

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 8

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 7

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 6

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 5

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 4

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 3

Facilitator’s Guide to Ep. 1 & 2


  1. Rick Folker says:

    What struck me was when the guy said that his initial reaction was not one of fear; but of loneliness. I mean; who would want to survive in a world without other people? These characters seem to gravitate towards one another out of a desperate need for relationality and community. WOW; this has me really intrigued and can’t wait for the next episode – even though he might emotionally “grip” me. Thanks for your work
    Rick Folker
    Kansas City, MO

  2. Mim says:

    i wish u had a subscribe section where we would get this daily.

  3. 40theseries says:

    Please like us on Facebook and you will receive our updates daily – or you can subscribe to our YouTube Channel for updates as well –

  4. ramona says:

    First of all, THANK YOU for such a wonder-full opportunity to enhance my Lenten experience!

    While I think my initial reaction would be one of fear, I also think I’d get to LONELY very quickly… and I’m pretty sure despair would be high on the list… my breatest need would be to connect with others lest the despair crush me entirely. I also cannot imagine letting that fellow walk off with such certainty without tackling him to find out what he knew that I didn’t. I’d need his sense of purpose to continue on…

    Years ago I read the ‘Left Behind’ series by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins, and while there is no direct theological comparison, I’m looking forward to experiencing ‘the desert’ through a Catholic lens. The ‘Left Behind’ series affected me deeply, and drew me deeper into the Church… I wonder what will be called forthin me through 40….

    God bless!

  5. Rick Folker says:

    WOW, each episode makes me more and more curious. I thought I might share a poem I had written a while back. It reflects my thoughts on being a Eucharistic Minister in my parish. So, here it is:

    Reflections Of A Eucharistic Minister
    By Rick Folker

    “Only connect….”
    E.M. Forster, Howard’s End

    Trembling and overwhelmed,
    I raise the broken body
    To lips slighted parted
    Quivering as if parched
    From desert wanderings
    Through the wilderness
    of dreams deferred.

    Hungering for hope;
    Healing for the heart

    Haunted by the faces
    Lined with losses and laughter;
    My broken heart begins to mend
    The courageous stirring
    To begin, yet again

    Connecting the human to the divine
    I place the host in hands;
    Palms I barely brush
    and gently invite:
    “The Body of Christ”

    Hoping they miss the tears
    I fight back
    the longing to connect.

    Hand to host to hand
    The veil briefly parts;
    Momentarily, miraculously
    Revealing the heavenly in the mundane;
    The Sacred in the Profane

    In this brief
    Communal moment
    We are
    Safe again.

  6. Diann Davis says:

    Thank you so much for this awesome work. I also look forward to the coming episodes.

  7. OLL school Jr. High 7th grade says:

    If the world is all guilty, we can try to help by doing good things for others,pray for peace on Earth.

  8. Alexis says:

    I like that while Aunt Dot recognizes that the whole world is guilty, she charges each of us with ‘making a start’. I think that is something the modern world forgets to value in our ‘do it all and do it now’ attitude at times. No one can fix everything in the world, or even in themselves alone – we all need help, and by human efforts alone it still will never be ‘all done now’.

    You would think that considering how imperfect each of us is, that humans would be absolute experts at tolerating, forgiving, and adapting to the imperfections we find in each other…………. but that rarely seems to be the case. And so, I love Aunt Dot’s advice that we each need to ‘make a start’.

  9. THE GENERAL says:

    It’s BATTLE LA

  10. Rick Folker says:

    Another Ash Wednesday
    Rick Folker

    These matters that with myself I too much discuss
    Too much explain
    Because I do not hope to turn again
    Let these words answer
    For what is done, not to be done again
    May the judgement not be too heavy upon us

    - T.S. Eliot

    Shoah, Bosnia, Rawanda, Darfur
    Huttus, Tutsis, Janjiweed Assad
    The endless list of “Never Again” Hitlers.

    Frustrated, powerless, we mumble…

    “Too much explain”

    Our outrage overwhelmed and ignored and
    Cynically disdained;
    Buried beneath the ashes of …

    Information overload
    Not “this” again.

    “Too much explain”

    Our foreheads bear the marks
    Of humility and pain?
    Fasts and alms

    Our purity regained.

    Still the poor are slaughtered
    The women are raped
    The children go hungry
    We repent of their fate;

    Their only purity
    Wrapped in a sackcloth of blood
    Amidst the ashes of hate

    Not THIS again
    This “Never Again”

    “Too much explain
    For what is done, not to be done
    Why should I mourn
    The vanished power of the usual reign?

    Because I do not hope to turn again.”

  11. Rainey says:

    Really, really enjoying the series! #7 is the best episode yet with each of the character’s reflecting moments of my spiritual life.

    I might suggest that Loyola Productions offer a “catch-up” video for those who’d like to watch the back episodes expediently (one intro, multiple episodes, and one end credit sequence). It might be less daunting for people who think they have to see all the episodes before you start (you don’t, but it helps) or prefer to.

    This series has just the right amount of reflection, edge, and fun to it. Hang in there if it doesn’t take off. That could be a good sign; some of the best shows have the most impact after their original run.

    Thank you so much!

  12. Rick Folker says:

    “It is therefore of supreme importance that we consent to live not for ourselves but for others.” – Thomas Merton in “No Man Is An Island”.

    I noticed that one of the books that Tom had was The Road by Cormac McCarthy – it deservedly won the Pulitzer Prize for its portrayal of a father and son surviving an apocalyptic nightmare – and their poignant journey just to survive.

    PS: I am hereby adopting Dot as my surrogate Grandmother. LOL

  13. Rick Folker says:

    Hey gang:

    Could you tell me what the music was that used in this episode. It was AWESOME

  14. John says:

    Good series, watched and read it all and found that it helped deepen my Lenten experience. I especially liked the reflections as I found many new friends amongst the various artists and writers that were presented. Job well done, look forward to seeing more projects like this one. Thanks and may God bless you all.

  15. Carol says:

    Finished the series just today. Wish I had been in a group to share with, but even without one, I found the reflections to be of great value. Used them along with other resources for a Lenten journal, a pilgrimage to explore whether or not the Catholic Church still has any relevance in my life. I’m over 65 and I have been profoundly disturbed by the clericalism, corruption, anti-gay and anti-feminist trends and conservative “reforming” rollback of Vatican II found in today’s RC Church. I did find the story itself to be baffling in the beginning, but then I saw that our lives are too. I think this is a worthwhile endeavor. Do more. Most of the reflection material was thought provoking and good for a renewed conversion experience. Thank you for a job well-done.

  16. Chris says:

    Thank you.
    The selection of quotations, songs, videos, along with the daily struggles I saw the characters face, offered me many moments of reflection.

    In the past I have used Creighton’s Lenten Reflection, and was looking for a new way to stop and listen.

    Thank you
    I am hoping you are inspired to continue this form of ministry

    Wishing you all a holy, full Easter

  17. 40theseries says:

    It’s Gospel
    Lonely Child

    Go to to listen.

  18. Monica says:

    I just discovered this series and am excited to use it for the Youth & Young Adult Ministry at my parish. Thank you for all the hard work that went into the production of this series. God bless!

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